The UK Psych Health & Safety Podcast
Your regular hosts are Sheila Lord and Dr. Jacqui Wilmshurst, who for more than a decade, has pioneered the design and implementation of Psychological Health & Safety strategy, policy and interventions in organisations of all sizes and across diverse industries. As hosts of the Psych Health and Safety Podcast, they deliver insights from the health psychology podcast in a jargon-free way that is easy to understand and implement, making this the workplace wellbeing podcast you need.
Redefining Productivity, the Four-Day Working Week - with Yasmin Mackay and Kevin Belgrove
In this edition of the UK Psych Health and Safety Podcast, Sheila and Jacqui are joined by Kevin Belgrove and Yasmin Mackay, from Grant Instruments.
They are discussing the innovative implementation of a four-day working week at Grant Instruments and explore the motivations, challenges, and outcomes of transitioning to a shorter work week.
E50: Wellbeing Fluff or Legal Requirement? - With Roy Magara
For the 50th episode of the Workplace and Wellbeing Podcast, Sheila Lord is speaking to Roy Magara.
Roy is an employment solicitor advocate for Magara Law which represents both employers and employees in cases surrounding mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
E46: Crossover Episode - Perfect is the Enemy of Progress – with Adam Clarke
The well-being of the employees is the key to everything that an organisation stands for. Well-being of staff covers both physical and psychological health. We don’t function well without both.
This week, in a special crossover episode, Sheila has been talking to Adam Clarke of Praxis42 about the benefits of investing in well-being, building skills, being a manager, communication, comfort zones, and much more.
E43: The Importance of Measuring Well-Being - with Richard Heron
This week on the UK Psych Health & Safety podcast, Sheila Lord and Peter Kelly are speaking to Richard Heron.
Richard has worked as the chief medical officer and the global head of health for British Petroleum for the last 16 years. He’s a member of the national forum for health and safety, the National Health Service expert advisory group for health and wellbeing, and also an Honorary Fellow at Nottingham University.
Throughout this episode, they dive into numerous aspects of well-being in the workplace, and what organisations can do to improve well-being in the workplace.
E36: The Role of HR in Workplace Wellbeing - with Peter Cheese
In this episode Sheila Lord is speaking to Peter Cheese, CEO of the CIPD the professional body for HR and a fellow of the Australian HR Institute, about the role of HR in workplace well-being and the development into more cross-functional working with other disciplines such as wellbeing, H&S and Leadership.