Episode Summary

When it comes to mental health in the workplace, Sheila, by her own admission, has learned from her mistakes. She saw first-hand how businesses and organisations weren’t taking mental health seriously and what a detrimental impact that was having on industry as a whole.

In an effort to tackle this head-on, Sheila started BMR and today the company leads the way in mental health support programmes, all of which have a definitive return on investment.

Well known for her ability to ‘cut to the chase’, Sheila believes that workplace wellbeing isn’t just about fruit bowls and yoga and that you can’t simply magic away employee stress by ‘fixing’ people.

Listen to this inspirational The Thoughtful Leader episode with Sheila Lord about being on and providing a healthy team. 

Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

●      What is Sheila’s business?

●      Leaders that inspire and motivate their people.

●      The importance of creating a psychologically safe environment.

●      Is it now and employee’s market or an employer’s market?

●      The shift in needs and requirements for millennials.

●      The challenges of working at home on your own.

●      The importance of having a growth mindset.

●      Step out of your comfort zone and make mistakes.



Connect with Mindy:

URL: https://www.mindygk.com/


E49: Communication is Key - With Lindsey Simpson


E47: How Can Businesses Become Menopause Friendly? - with Sharon Vibert