Lets smile more…..

It is National Smile month, now this maybe all about oral health but it made me think!

Smiling has an amazing impact on you, your mind and your body. Plus as an added bonus it positively affects those around you.

Question? Should we smile more to live longer?

The answer is YES! a 2010 study shows that a genuine, intense smiling is associated with longer life - Abel EL, Kruger ML. Smile intensity in photographs predicts longevity. Psychol Sci. 2010;21(4):542-544.

Lets look at the other benefits

  1. Smiling reduces stress - Give it a go when you are having a stressful day, even a fake smile can help!

  2. Smiling lifts your mood - A smile on a bad day, will trick your mind as you trigger the release of neuropeptides that improve your neural communication, as well as neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which can boost your mood. Think of smiling like a natural antidepressant.

  3. Smiling is contagious - You smile and others will smile. Our brain sees someone smiling, it interprets the facial expression and may even mimic. So smiling will lift those around you as well as your mood.

  4. Smiling to be healthier - It can help increase your immune system and lower your blood pressure

  5. Smiling makes you more attractive - For us single people! Top tip - we are drawn to people who are smiling. So stop frowning and start smiling.

  6. Smiling reduces pain - Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin. Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain. Smiling is a natural drug.

There are so many benefits to smiling!

Can you SMILE more today?




Mental Health Awareness Week - 9th - 15th May 2022